
LogiPharma Supply Chain Conference in Montreux – Our three takeaways

LogiPharma is the place to be when you want to learn from and meet the top minds in pharma logistics. We’d like to thank the organisation and all participants for the great insights, discussions and working sessions. It’s rather impossible to sum it all up in a short blog, but here are our three takeaways:


1. Data will be everything – Many organisations still run (somewhat) fragmented and reactive supply chains using multiple systems, often including Excel and plenty of paper. Expect the leaders in the field to apply new sensor technology to capture data, AI to take the maximum value from data (incl. non logistical data, like weather forecasts) and intelligent platforms/apps to challenge the status quo. The pharma logistics community sees the importance of having the right data at the right time to be able to react faster, but specially to drive the supply chain pro-actively and demand driven.


2. Logistics will be a key feature/component of a pharma product – Logistics used to be the thing you needed to get your product shipped. Today it is a very important component of the product itself. This is most obvious in the autologous Next Gen Therapies where tissue from a patient needs to be transported to a laboratory, where it is used to create a patient specific batch of stem cells that needs to be shipped back to the same patient and delivered in the hospital at a specific time. The logistics focus will shift from scale and efficiency to patient specific solutions with extreme levels of reliability, flexibility and customer care.


3. These shifts will require new talent – With new technology and requirements entering the pharma logistics arena, new skills and mindsets will be needed too. We learned that one of the challenges will be to find, attract and keep that talent. Expect the innovation leaders to hire talents from other industries, to use start-up approaches/teams within the own organisation and to focus much more on becoming an attractive employer for the under 30.


Business Acceleration helps companies in pharma and logistics to create propositions based on their proven strengths. Together we explore what the key challenges in a specific sector are and how best to address these in a way that no other company can match. Once the proposition has been defined, we also assist in getting it implemented, communicated and sold.

How we do this? Please read our blog about our role in supporting Vienna Airport in developing a Pharma handling Center.

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